General Motors is becoming China Motors

General Motors is becoming China Motors. Forget the spin. The evidence is clear and convincing. Did U.S. taxpayers save GM for China? Listen to the candid co…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

34 Responses to “General Motors is becoming China Motors”

  • altgeldrarities:

    The jewstream media is owned by less than 10 families and is simply a propaganda arm of the UN, NATO, Pentagon, and Whitehouse.

    They are part of the 1% that has lulled the sheeple to sleep with TV, sports, music, casinos, video games, iPhones, movies, pop stars, fake reality shows and fake news.

    It is working just as planned.

  • altgeldrarities:

    The plan to rob General Motors’ pensions dry, then bail them out, and send them to China….was made 13 years ago. Part of the global agenda to wipe out the middle class and turn America into a model of communist China….one factory at a time.

    This alone should be enough evidence to the sheeple that the Empire (New World Order) is not controlled by political leaders. Presidents are puppets and sell outs to the NWO.

  • 985shane:

    Glad I am not a GM guy I would be mad

  • nsk0318:

    China Japan USA…World new car output ranking…China exceeded Japan…Many Chinese cars and Japanese cars run all over the world

  • Ralph Richardson:

    sleaze ball after sleaze ball involved in the bailout .

  • Ralph Richardson:

    Driven GM cars for 30+ years, worked in GM dealerships, I own and drive fords now. Since the bail out I just dont get excited about GM cars now, F em.

  • soccerboy161011:

    The cars made in Chica are sold in China not in the US. Its a world economy so get use to it

  • MvKSubZero:

    We should buy foreign cars, Subaru has a zero emission plant in Indiana where they are built and assembled in the US. I Believe Toyota and Honda have US factories as well.

  • drfaticus F-gm:

    some say Jeremiah 50,and 51 depict the usa.if thats the case,in that war the usa lost.

  • DoNotTalkToMeAtAll:

    Watch Star Wars… Senator Palpatine depicts US perfectly he makes all conspiracies secretly so people look up to him. So if US really fell, the world might have more chance to find peace not WW3.

  • cubbo55:

    I would be glad to buy only American-made products, except it is impossible, they don’t exist anymore.

  • Rizky06:

    When the dollar dies watch these $#!@ take any Americans working in China out into the public city square for terminal lead poisoning.

  • Peter Theis:

    1) False. Look up what FactCheck . Org says about it. 2) What the world is becoming is corporate; corporations have more power and wealth than most governments, and they don´t care about ideology nor country except where those things can be used to generate profit, and control. Read a book called Democracy Inc by Sheldon Wolin, and another called Democracy For The Few by Michael Parenti. U.S. politicians on all sides have been selling our country out to many countries, not just China.

  • XChaosKidsX:

    well now their not even giving jobs to Americans, they are going to china, it should not be that way when we the american people need jobs!!! and plus thats how the business work, the better ones keep on going while the one who have messed up go down. why have them if they are not bringing jobs to Americans. we need jobs.

  • LoftLivingLA:

    GM! This is an amazing video…I’m sharing and promoting on Facebook! We want all of our money back and I’m not ANTI-GM! No more foreign cars! BUY AMERICAN!

  • deeplanz:

    The media is a traitor. Your president in the white house is a traitor. Half of congress are traitors.
    The whole bunch are only interested in filling their own pockets and to hall with us and America. Time to lock and load

  • drfaticus F-gm:

    i agree fuck Government Motors.

  • zerotolerance4u:

    And the American people don’t know about it because our media are traitors.

  • Alexander Stollznow:

    honestly, what is wrong with you nitwits? all this stupid, fear mongering video says is that GM has profitable operations outside the US. and why is GM in china? well, mainly to sell cars to the chinese. currently, GM owes $25bn of TARP funds. the gov stake in GM is worth near that. if the share price rises, a bit, then the taxpayer will make a profit, as it did from the bank investments. the best way for to happen is for GM to make a profit, be in in the US, China, Europe or anywhere.

  • Andy Virginie:

    BAN CHINA PRODUCTS AND BUY YOUR OWN COUNTRIES PRODUCTS IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET YOUR OWN MANUFACTURING BACK..People have the power,,whom you buy off will control companies buying power.

  • Andy Virginie:

    BAN CHINA PRODUCTS AND BUY YOUR OWN COUNTRIES PRODUCTS IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET YOUR OWN MANUFACTURING BACK..People have the power,,whom you buy off will control companies buying power.

  • BiteythePossum:

    this is one big slap in the face to the american tax payers, and the country in general. china is going to make their move when thy finally have enough of what they need. u hear about the law they lifted of how many kids they can have per household and whether they can keep the girls? well its been lifted and to me thats odd because of all the overcrowding which is y they had the law in the 1st place. america is prime real estate and they r looking to expand.

  • Don Bendickson:

    Never , ever purchase another GM product……..traitors to our country and traitors to the US workers….

  • DocTripp1977:

    But they took a bail out all of us U.S. Tax Payers are still having to pay for. And they repay us by taking jobs away from here and going to china? Let me put things in retrospect. Yes, Things are WAY cheaper over there. Is this a profitable move for GM? Honestly, Yes, It is. But then again, They sold us out to get there. This is what I object to. Sorry, When jobs are lost on our parts, We will be able to afford less. When GM and many other companies figure this out, It will be too late.

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