HBO Band of Brothers: German General’s speech

This is the speech that is given by a German General to his men after surrendering to the Americans. This is directly cut from the episode, nothing added nothing taken. We feel its a great speech that can relate to all military branches foreign and domestic and should be shared.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

28 Responses to “HBO Band of Brothers: German General’s speech”


    WWII was a fight to defend the people of Europe, what about the Korean war, we defended South Korea against an aggressive North Korea, In Afghanistan it is not economical, all oil and resources gained by the United States were not through military conquest but by trade even Iraq wasn’t economical. The UN decided that since Saddam was not allowing UN certified WMD inspectors into his country they would remove him from power and the US and UK are pretty much the UN’s Forces that’s why we went in.

  • mtrstudios1:

    I do know this. I’m well educated on this time. But I bet you didn’t bother to follow the conversation at all so you didn’t see me mention that already.
    And don’t blame technology to support what your saying. The sides in the war (especially the Allies) use harming of civilians to demoralize people from supporting the war. So factories will stop producing and prevent people from getting involved so the war would grinned to a seise. What do you think Allie fire bombing was for. War is terrible.

  • Johnny Wijngaarden:

    I know, I was just being a jerk.

    I’m not a native English speaker either. A great way to learn the English language is by watching English movies with subtitles in your language and being on English forums. I spoke fluent English at the age of 8, simply because of this.

  • Nazdreg1:

    So what would be the better solution? I would say, find out the guys behind the actions and send in a kill team, and off with their heads. All in secret. Then announce their death calmly. That causes fear and is a sign of determination and zero tolerance but without driving a country into an unnecessary war. Basically what the US did, just without the war part and without the big party after the kill. Its just too much attention. That maniac does not deserve any attention at all.

  • Nazdreg1:

    It is a difficult matter certainly. What I would do is let the secret service do his job. The people needs a defiant reaction, not necessarily an offensive one. I could compare that to WW1. A terrorist act lead austria into war as well as germany. Strangely the germans played the same role there, that they played and still play in Afghanistan. They blindly followed an ally into a conflict, they should have stayed out of.

  • monox2k:

    So what do you do: Leave the individuals who assisted in ramming jetliners into civilian targets alone? I’m not arguing the success of the Afghan war, but you have to see how from America’s perspective there was a need to overthrow the Taliban. What kind of message does it send if you do nothing when attacked?
    And I already stated that you can’t fight an ideology with tanks.
    So many of our problems boil down to religion. There is nothing more dangerous than over zealous people lacking education.

  • monox2k:

    Do you know how many MORE civilians were killed by the Nazis and Japanese? War is never an ideal situation, but I’m pretty sure it’s a safe bet to say the side fighting for justice and peace were the allies. One side WAS better than the other.
    Civilian deaths – any death in reality – are tragic, but in many circumstances they’re unavoidable. Especially back in the 40s with limited technology/surveillance ability.
    These days weapons can pinpoint military targets. Not the case back in WWII.

  • kenship7:

    Not always true, its not as simple as “yeah since we’re all humans, we have to be the same then right” different people are fighting for different reasons and motivations. the insurgents our military’s been at war with the past 10+ years aren’t similar to our own in any way. And there’s been other conflicts that the opposing enemy hasn’t matched up morally or emotionally to our own either. Good point none the less tho.

  • kenship7:

    good stuff

  • Nazdreg1:

    Concerning germans and their past: The thing is, everywhere in our country, there are war memorials. Not honour memorials, but memorials of disgrace. During our school time, we are taught, we have to be responsible for 6 million dead jews. Almost every history lesson is about WW2. I would call that a tough package every german has to carry. We can’t even be proud of our army or proud of our country or be positive about german characteristics in general. This is called nationalism here.

  • Nazdreg1:

    I wasn’t completely serious. I just wanted to demonstrate how harsh the comment was, I replied to. Of course I don’t demand any US soldier to kill his general, as I don’t demand any Wehrmacht soldier to kill his general. This leads to nothing and even the generals are not completely responsible. They have their orders as well and they just want the best for their men.

  • Nazdreg1:

    I don’t blame the american people. We germans are part of that failed operation as well, I blame our government as I blame the US government. Maybe ours even more, because we weren’t hit.

  • Nazdreg1:

    Terror is provocation. A terrorist is like a troll just on a larger scale. A troll wants to be noticed at all costs. The more you complain about him, the angrier you are, the more he will be pleased. Same with terrorists. If their acts provoke a full scale invasion with mediocre success on top of it, it is actually a total success. Remember Bin Laden was caught by a special force, not by the invasion. Taliban are still active, so the war part of the afghanistan action is a failure.

  • 8dzenja6:

    “german unwillingness to accept accountability for what happened” ???
    I don’t know what you’re on about!

  • TheToxicPenguin:

    “All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers.”– Francois Fenelon

  • Ry Tr:

    Similar? They are the same. Aside from Hitler and his SS, they were just soldiers following orders, like the Allies were. They want the same things from life we all do.

  • JayQBBMe:

    Awesome speech. I always get goosebumps when I watch this scene.

  • SonOfLongBeach:

    Right, right, right… who cares about what YOU care about in the US military? You’re being sent for an economical reason at most. That’s what armed forces have been used for since the dawn of mankind. We fought for water and hunting grounds as cave men and now we fight for petroleum. There has never been a conflict in history where a war happened and the main purpose was ‘protect the innocent’. Maybe the Mughal-Sikh wars.

  • VladFerdinand1:

    Hey that guy playing the german general was another nazi in Raiders of the Lost Ark, his face got melted off in the end. ;P

  • thompson v:

    My grandpa was a French soldier, he was one of the guy who take the “Kehlsteinhaus” with American troops in 1945 and fought in Monte Cassinoin 44 too. When he spoke about war, he wasn’t like resentful or something. . The only thing he wanted was ..” Never again”.
    Minorities in armies did bad things ( Nazi massacre in France , German women raped by French or Russian soldiers in 1945)
    Respect to all soldiers from all armies. Blame the leaders, never the warriors. sorry for my bad english

  • simonriddick:

    “Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our moral enemy. Have no mercy on women, children, or the aged! Kill every German — wipe them out!” (Llya Ehrenburg, Glaser, p. 111).

  • simonriddick:

    Hitler will have no war (does not want war), but we will force it on him, not this year, but soon.
    - Emil Ludwig Cohn in Les Annales, June, 1934 (also quoted in his book The New Holy Alliance)


    so you don’t respect the soldiers who fought to defend South Korea’s democracy from Kim Il Sung’s totalitarianism or the soldiers who fought to take down the Taliban’s oppressive government what you don’t realize is when the US went into Afghanistan soldiers were greeted by civilians in the happiest of ways and for WW1 where do get your info, the Russians, British and French had everything to did with the war as Germany did, they were just allies honoring an agreement

  • CroArtVandelay:

    not the first, and sadly, not the last war in history….

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