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33 Responses to “Soccer”

  • Darkony:

    “All unbiased studies”
    So you now choose which studies to believe too ?!
    This is medicine, not politics.
    Gays are at a higher risk of several diseases.

    The problem is, the American society is very homophobic, many regular small acts are considered gay, while in other countries are normal acts. Such thing caused increases homosexuality, there is almost no room to like a person of the same sex without being called homosexual.

    The more you suppress, the bigger the explosion !

  • VonJohannstein:

    @bachmann4president No response? Hilarious.

  • VonJohannstein:

    @Darkony “Just ask a doctor about the danger of being homosexual. Gays are at very higher risk of fatal diseases, especially STDs”

    That is a blatant falsehood promoted by religious institutions such as the American evangelical fundamentalist, “Family Research Council”. All unbiased studies dictate that sexual risk is on par with heterosexuality, and depends on the tolerance of the local area – the more intolerant the area the more the risk, while tolerance bring much less risk.

  • VonJohannstein:

    @Darkony Bisexuality is not “animalistic”; it is a separate orientation that is as authentic as heterosexuality and homosexuality. There is the perception that bisexuals are prone to be more promiscuous, but this perception is produced by the media for entertainment in lieu of sturdy scientific surveys.

  • VonJohannstein:

    @Darkony We should keep religion in mind in this discussion, as it is your prime motive for being against non-heterosexuality.

    Humor me for a second: if your religion dictated that eating an apple was a grave sin, but all science dictated that apples are not only “safe” to eat, but good for you, would you still be against it by virtue of blind piety? Or would you do the rational thing and consider not the apple but the religion imposing irrational perceptions upon you?

  • VonJohannstein:

    @Darkony Call me crazy, but I’m pretty sure that the sperm of homosexuals still work, so if by magic all heterosexuals (and bisexuals) vanished leaving homosexuals behind, I’m pretty sure that a male “homo” will take one for the team and sleep with a lesbian in order for the human race to reproduce biologically. Take note that scans of homosexual brains revealed them to be of a different structure in some parts, giving precedent to homosexuality not being psychological.

  • Darkony:

    Forget religion for a second,
    Asexuality can be caused biologically, well-known.
    But Homo & Bi are not. They are psychological.
    Imagine, if heterosexuality extincted. How much time would it take for the human race to extinct ? less the 1 lone century.
    Bisexuality is just animalistic & is a whole other story.
    Just ask a doctor about the danger of being homosexual. Gays are at very higher risk of fatal diseases, especially STDs.
    It is just not right.

  • VonJohannstein:

    @Darkony First of all religion isn’t a race, and no – reason and science would dictate that you’re wrong.

    There is nothing wrong with homosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality; the only thing wrong here is being under the delusion that an invisible man says it’s wrong so it must be so.

    You ruin society for being homophobic, and under the sway of a religious perception of reality.
    There is no god. Once your brain shuts down, you cease to exist; life permanently ends after death.

  • Linu86:

    @Darkony of course it’s biological… just use google!! Twin studies for example, or hormone exposure in the womb… there is plenty of evidence out there, u just have to look for it. Besides: Who would “choose” to become gay in a country where gay people are killed!?!… it just doesn’ make any sense.

    oh, btw, I AM on the right path :P

  • mobile23a:

    to all gay haters : with every bad word you type or speak against these people, dreadful suffering will be unleashed in your body and cancer cells will grow faster

  • Darkony:

    Racism isn’t just about race anymore. Look it up.

    & give me the proof that homosexuality is biological.

    Don’t try to sound so intelligent by claiming things that aren’t true.

    That makes you a liar.

  • Linu86:

    @Darkony Islam is not a race, u dumb twat… nobody cares about ur stupid beliefs, they are retarded… keep them to urself and stop bugging others with ur nonsense… being gay on the other hand is biological, so tyrin to change that causes real damage… being less ignorant by realizing that ur holy book is a bunch of horsecrap on the other hand does not cause ANY harm.

  • Darkony:

    I was being honest & you are being racist.
    You the have the right to believe what ever you want, but that doesn’t make it right nor wrong.
    I believe Islam is the true religion. That doesn’t make it right nor right. But I believe it is right.

    Don’t ruin your life & others by being racist. It is just a lose-lose situation.

  • Martinez1887:

    omg, ppl in the usa already think our football is gay, and now this! XD

  • VonJohannstein:

    @bachmann4president Great – now look at Bachmanns’ “husband”, christ fag.

  • VonJohannstein:

    @Darkony So is being a muslim.

  • bachmann4president:

    “I’m homosexual, I’m gay” says the bent as a $2 bill queer who talks like a female. You didnt need to tell us faggot, we can already tell from the prada purses falling out of your mouth.

  • Darkony:

    Homosexuality is not a joke & is not right. It is all psychological. No prove to this moment that is genetic.

    I don’t hate homosexuals. But they need help to get back on the right path.


    Thank you very much for doing this, man. Very courageous. It is already getting better.

  • DerekWilliamsMusic:

    You may regret not coming out earlier, but at least you’ve done it now.

    Thank you for finally finding the courage. By speaking out, you have made it just that much easier for the next guy and the next guy who are gay to be honest.

    I came out in my late teens, and I have to say now at age 59, I will never know how many opportunities I may have missed, but I never felt treated differently by family, peers or friends at any time.

    Take a look at my YouTube channel and website; see what you think.

  • ccrimsonfox:

    @SuperIdelfonso thanks for pointing that out captain obvious!

  • mickys333:

    Well this is immensly helpful to the reputation football/soccer has in the U.S., oh well…is he any good? never heard of him.

  • SuperIdelfonso:

    @ccrimsonfox excuse me?, but not every gay man is into any other man

  • k4th4rt1cSTATE:

    Oh please, ignorant people will feel tension or awkward. Kudos to this guys for coming out

  • ccrimsonfox:

    sure you can be an amazing player and be gay, but it’s harder since there could be tension if most of the teammates are straight

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